Cultural Tourism Ireland
Cancellation policy for Archaeology Adventure Experience
If you cancel more than four weeks (20 business days) before the first day of your Archaeology Adventure (by 5pm GMT), we will refund all monies paid less €30 for each registration / participant.
If you cancel more than one week but less than four weeks (6 to 19 business days) before the first day of your Archaeology Adventure (by 5pm GMT), we will refund half (50%) of the amount paid less €30 for each registration / participant.
If you cancel less than one week (5 business days) before the first day of your Archaeology Adventure (by 5pm GMT) , or if you simply do not show up, we will not refund any part of the amount paid.
You will not receive a refund if you withdraw your participation after the Archaeology Adventure day has commenced.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us.